Temple Garden

A Grecian temple with a formal water fountain adorns this secluded space.

Its sense of intimacy and revolving array of colourful flowering plants creates the ideal setting for small weddings throughout the year.

The nearby Palm Garden offers a beautiful tropical backdrop for your photos.

About this location

Capacity Up to 80 guests
Best times All year – seasonal plantings around the temple provides colour all year round.
Map reference O-11 on the Garden Map
Closest gate entry Northfields Avenue, Keiraville
Accessibility Accessible by pathway
Parking On-street parking available and limited timed car spaces in our P2 education car park
Public transport Free Gong Shuttle Bus Routes 55A and 55C

Note that our Wedding and Ceremony Terms and Conditions apply to all sites.

Hire fees

One-hour ceremony bookings times are available. As part of your booking, you will receive access one hour before for set up, and one hour after for pack-down at no additional cost.

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 results.
Parent HierarchyArea Fee NameFee Name GSTGST Current Fee (incl. GST)Current Fee (incl. GST)
Parent HierarchyBotanic Garden Fee NameWeddings and Events: Bond (refundable) – per event GSTN Fee incl. GST$442.00
Parent HierarchyBotanic Garden Fee NameWeddings: exclusive use of Garden Collection section - one hour GSTY Fee incl. GST$670.00
Parent HierarchyBotanic Garden Fee NameWeddings and Events: Rose Garden Function Package - per package GSTY Fee incl. GST$199.00

Enquiries and bookings

Use the button below to enquire about hosting your wedding or commitment ceremony at Wollongong Botanic Garden.

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