Cycad Collection

Cycads are an ancient group of plants that have flourished across the world for millions of years, likely dominating the plant world in the Jurassic Era some 195-141 million years ago.

Cycads are dioecious meaning they have ‘2 homes’ and are either male of female plants - so you need both for reproduction to occur and seeds to be formed. Thought to be largely insect pollinated with wind pollination playing a possible secondary role for some species.

These relics of a major ancient evolutionary group are under threat in the wild due to habitat destruction and over collection either for food, medicine or to supply the illegal plant trade. New plant predators are also finding their way to these plants further adding to the negative environmental effects of climate change. This history, their conservation story today all paired with their amazing form and beauty have all lead to our display today.

To showcase our Cycad Collection at its best we had to redesign and raise these beds to give the plants the great drainage, soil structure and nutrients they require to thrive.

This display would not have been possible without the kind donation of Ian and Norma Edwards and their Family organised through our great friend and supporter Colin Wilson. Stan Walkley was instrumental in the redesign and donated some great specimens. The Friends of Wollongong Botanic Garden supported us with funds to realise this great display and many others who donated their time and wisdom!

This collection is beautiful year-round.


The Cycad Collection is located in the north section of Wollongong Botanic Garden near the Glasshouse.

Map reference P-10 on our Garden Map PDF, 76 KB